A Warm Welcome
Who can hear the name Sligoil without feeling a warm glow? Or the cool blast of an air-conditioning unit? Because we’re proud to say that our energy is at your service, absolutely everywhere…
The bubble of bedroom radiators. The steam of fresh porridge. The vroom of commutes. The purr of laptops on laps. The pounding of toes on treadmills. The buzz of streetlights on our way home. The sighs of loved ones on life support. The squelch of anti-aging cream. The beep-boop of data banks. The kerching of money banks. The click of switches. The tap of keys. The zap of networks. The everything of everything.
This is your world. But it is our light.
It’s been this way for over a hundred years. And it will be this way for one hundred years more.
Sligoil. Your power is in our hands.
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